What does balance even mean though?

Liv’s Letters
February 13, 2022
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Checking in: what is your word for 2022?

If you remember, mine is love (and if you haven’t found yours yet, you can with this 5 minute workshop). 

While “love” is still my north star for the year, I have decided to focus on a secondary word each month, too. 

February: balance. 

I never used to feel particularly connected to balance, and the older I get, the more important it is to me. 

Balance to me is creating time, energy, and space for what brings me joy, the people I love, the things I know are good for me, and the things I know must be done. 


What brings me joy: Tennis, walks

People I love: family, friends

Things I know are good for me: Vegetables, physical exercise

Things I know must be done: Laundry, work

It may seem like a basic list, but when you break it out like this, you’re able to ask yourself “Am I hitting all of these buckets?”

As an entrepreneur (who is obsessed with her job and company), it can be easy for me to get tunnel vision into this one area of my life. 

Having this balance list helps me prioritize different activities during the week. Going for a morning walk, playing tennis on the weekends, and planning a trip with my family make me feel balanced, even if the majority of my time is spent at work. 

That’s because for me, it’s not about the amount of time, it’s about the quality of time. Sure, I only went for a 30 minute walk… but I was SO present for it. I listened to the birds, stared at the ocean, and hit pause on thoughts about work or personal life. 

You get to decide what balance looks like and feels like for you. 


Chakra balancing workshop

Exercises for energy

Ways to reset and realign

With love and light,  Liv

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